Nicole currently serves as a Coordinator of Instructional Services and Community Supports, Data & Assessment at Kalamazoo Regional Educational Service Agency. Since 2016, Nicole has provided professional learning, consulting, and instructional coaching to county districts focused on literacy, data, and assessment. She is a FAME Coach, participant and MALFA Planning Committee Member, MSTC Planning Committee Member, Learning Facilitator for the Michigan Assessment Consortium's ABCA program and county lead for Renaissance DnA. Nicole has presented at multiple state conferences, the RtI Innovations National Conference, and the NCME National Conference. Nicole's educational career began in 2002 as an elementary classroom teacher in rural, southwestern Michigan city. After several years teaching second and third grade, Nicole took on the role of Instructional Specialist and MTSS Coordinator for the district. Throughout her career, Nicole chaired and lead school improvement efforts, participated in grade level curriculum development and alignment, mentored new teachers, and was an M-STEP question creator. Nicole enjoys walking, gardening, and writing. Nicole is a member of the Kalamazoo Optimist Club and co-developer of the Kalamazoo Book Gardens.